I hope I’m the first person in Internet to do this, though it’s getting increasingly hard to become a pioneer in something nowadays…

I want to publish the compilation of translated articles from Kris Kaspersky. Not related to the Kaspersky AV. As Wiki says, he was a Russian hacker, writer and IT security researcher.

Three weeks ago I was sorting out the 500+ PDF’s archive to decide which articles are interesting enough to translate. I chose 100+ of them so I won’t run out soon. Most of them are too old(published sometime between 2000 and 2010), and they can show only nostalgic interest, anyway you probably can get pleasure while looking at old KDE/Windows GUI. The original author left many articles ranging from system administration to covering processor bugs and malware analysis.

I tried to preserve original writing style as much as possible, but I also adhered to the balance of readability and authenticity. There will be a lot of links to third-party sites. Most likely they are dead or referred content is moved or deleted.